Lambda Jam 2013 / Functional Async Without the Pain

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Jim Powers (jim.powers)


Jim Powers has been developing software for more than 30 years. During that time he's done a bunch of mainstream (C/C++/C#, Assembly, Java) programming to pay the bills but has always had a love of functional programming and programming languages. Spent much time over the years exploring Lisps, Haskell, ML, Miranda, Clean, and many others. Such beautiful languages and concepts - he despaired that it was all for naught. Fortunately, functional programming is in the midsts of a renaissance. For the last 3+ years he's been happily hacking in Scala at various startups including AOL where he was architect of the new version of Patch using Scala, Play and functional programming techniques. Today he works for Typesafe as an engineer on the Typesafe Console team.

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