Scala Days 2013 / Fun Programming in Scala: Games, Algorithms, and Apps

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Scala continues to be fun! Implementing algorithms to solve Sudoku puzzles, bioinformatic problems, and analyzing time-series data has been a great learning experience. Creating video games and mods have made my game time much more enjoyable and gave me an opportunity to impress my friends! To do all these, I used a myriad of technologies from Scala IDE, sbt, and giter8 to git, Android, and Play! In the process, I learned a lot more about Scala's features such as traits, iterators, streams, lazy vals, implicit classes, and typeclasses. In this talk, I will share a few games, Android apps, and algorithms that show how Scala made implementing complex programs simple. I will also demonstrate a few awesome Minecraft mods written in Scala and a "mind blowing" project.


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Shadaj Laddad (shadaj.laddad)


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