Scala Days 2013 / Realtime Web, The Urge for a Programming Model

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Realtime Web Applications are applications making use of Websockets, Server Sent Events, Comet or other protocols to offer an open socket between the browser and the server for continuous communication. Several web frameworks target the development of this type of applications but they mostly feature a basic API that allows developers to push/receive messages from/to an open channel: channel.push(message) //and channel.onMessage { callback } These APIs fall short when it comes to manipuling a rich set of streams of data, which is central to the Realtime Web model. It presents indeed several challenges in terms of creating, adapting, manipulating, filtering and merging streams of data as well as in terms of synchronization involved. To respond to this challenges, it is crucial to have a programming model that identifies clearly what a stream of data is and defines composable components to deal with it. Play2 uses Iteratees together with Futures for dealing reactively with streams of data, providing a very rich model for programming rich Realtime Web Applications.


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Sadache Aldrobi (sadache.aldrobi)


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