Functional Programming eXchange 2013 / Across Time and Address Space: Lift 3.0

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Lift 3.0 builds on Lift's bedrock of abstracting away the plumbing of HTTP and allowing developers to focus on business logic. This includes: * Using Scala 2.10's macro features to compile certain Scala code including form validation and actors into JavaScript the executes the same logic across the address spaces * Supporting asynchronous Actor messaging seamlessly across the HTTP connection and across address spaces * Detection of page building with Futures and Streams and automatically pushing those changes to the browser... doing page rendering across time * Simplified support for use of Futures and Streams in REST responses going across time * Enhancements to Lift's designer friendly templating system that gives the HTML side of the house more power * Automatic class reloading so that change to code get picked up on page reload without a restart... saving time


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David Pollack (david.pollack)


David Pollak founded the Lift Web Framework open source project. Lift is an expressive and elegant framework for writing secure, scalable, interactive web applications on the Java Virtual Machine. David is a consultant in San Francisco.

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