Adam Granicz's blog articles

on 4/9/2018 1:37 PM
In this tutorial, you will learn about using WebSharper UI to implement a simple Model-View-Update (MVU) application pattern, similar to the Elm architecture. In subsequent tutorials, you will learn about enhancing this pattern to a full-scale application development architecture (The WebSharper Architecture) that has superior performance and sufficient flexibility to implement any type of web application.
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on 3/27/2018 11:57 AM
Congratulations on taking the first step to learn WebSharper! We have carefully put together this hands-on tutorial with the aim to help you get started with WebSharper and on your way to learn functional, reactive web development, putting you on a fast track to unleash the real web developer in you. The skills you pick up with WebSharper will make you a better web developer, and the concepts you learn will remain valid and useful with other functional, reactive web frameworks and libraries as well.
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on 12/29/2017 10:21 AM
Consider a very typical scenario: you have a web application that serves an SPA. The SPA itself has several "pages," each with its own client-side routed URLs (think of Gmail, for instance.) Then people copy some of these URLs from their "session" and send them to others, who in turn expect to find exactly what the sender saw. Except with most SPAs, the server-side knows nothing about the URLs generated on the client and usually throws you back to some initial SPA page. Implementing this properly requires [...]
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on 12/31/2016 3:15 PM
One of the most fundamental design considerations any developer must deal with is handling change. In this article, we are primarily concerned with client-side state and changes to it. Change can be brought about by various external factors (user input such as mouse or keyboard events, server push messages, etc.) or by means internal to the application itself.
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on 4/6/2016 12:51 PM
A while ago we rolled out a new UI for Try WebSharper, essentially changing it into a snappy single-page application (SPA). Among others, you can now switch between trying out various snippets and making your own without any noticable delay, no more annoying page refreshes. [more..]
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