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on 7/25/2016 2:00 AM
Tweet Hello, Recording of my programming languages talk at The Lead Developer conference this year is available now. It was a well run, and intimate conference despite nearly 500 attendees this year. It’s quite different from many conferences I have atten[...]
on 9/5/2015 3:51 AM
Earlier in the year I came across a Stanford coding assignment inspired by Andrej Bauer’s Random Art. Pictures are built using randomly chosen mathematical expressions that take an x and y value and return a colour. The implementation on Andrej’s site use[...]
on 5/20/2015 5:00 AM
Tweet Having been primarily involved with .Net languages in my career so far, homoiconicity was a new idea to me when I first encountered it in Clojure (and also later in Elixir). If you look it up on wikipedia, you’ll find the usual wordy definition that[...]
on 12/5/2014 4:20 PM
The idea for doing this is not new. There is an excellent series of posts closely tracing an article on applications of functional programming to probability. A colleague of mine has recently called my attention to his own post of two years ago, where he [...]
on 11/30/2014 5:25 PM
Marching on from the last post. Lazy Sequences This is my favorite feature ever. If I want to generate just a few of 10! (nobody even knows how much that is) permutations, I could: provided, the function is defined (as described in the first post): Here I[...]
on 11/30/2014 1:14 AM
The Alogirthm Recently, I have entered a brave (new?) world of Clojure and was looking for a small project to take it for a ride. I stopped on a popular/interesting enough little problem, that subsumed a certain interview question which I was once unfortu[...]
on 11/24/2014 12:40 AM
This weekend Evelina, Yan an I had the pleasure of speaking at f(by) the first dedicated functional conference in Belarus. It was a short hop by train from Vilnius to Minsk, where we had been attending Build Stuff. Sergey Tihon, of F# Weekly fame, was wai[...]
on 10/7/2014 11:39 PM
How hard is it to get started in functional programming? Let’s have a look at how quickly you can get started on a selection of simple expression-oriented programming languages. Today let’s try Clojure, Elm, F#, Haskell and OCaml. Online REPL No insta[...]
on 8/9/2014 5:24 AM
An entity must have a unique identity, so that other objects can uniquely identify it. In an application with one object store, this is not a problem, because the identity usually takes the form of the auto generated identity value assigned to the object [...]
on 6/3/2014 8:58 PM
I've been involved with World Singles for about five years now, about three and a half years as a full-time engineer. The project was a green field rewrite of a dating system the company had evolved over about a decade that, back in 2009, was running on C[...]

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