Carsten Koenig (CKoenig)


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Carsten's blog posts

on 10/31/2017 5:13 AM
there are functions out there more scary than unsafePerformIO and this is the tale of one of them: absurd. This powerful spell allows evil warlocks to conjure anything they want from the Void: but what does that mean? Is this even possible without using t[...]
on 10/17/2017 2:10 AM
If you used Haskell for some time you probably have seen Hoogle and used the Haddock Documentations before. But what if you want to take those with you (say you have no WiFi)? I like to install both things locally and stack is a really nice and quick way [...]
on 12/23/2016 3:17 AM
It’s that time of the year again where F#ers come together and write a bit about what they enjoy. I really enjoyed this years Advent of code and while I only did a few of the exercises in F# I want to write about one algorithm that helped out in quite a f[...]
on 3/14/2016 3:53 AM
these first 1000 digits where calculated using this little Haskell snippet: which is directly taken from Unbounded Spigot Algorithms for the Digits of Pi by Jeremy Gibbons
on 12/23/2015 5:19 AM
So once again the time arrives when Santa is looking for Rudolph and I am writing a blog post for the yearly F# advent As always I hope I can provide you some insight and fun – practicability is not the main focus (as you surely find out soon). the task a[...]

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