New England F# User Group

Blog articles of New England F# User Group

on 7/21/2014 12:36 PM
Learning from and going beyond D3.js to make animation scheduling declarative, in the context of WebSharper UI.Next..
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on 6/5/2014 8:19 AM
WebSharper is getting support for Mono, MonoDevelop, Xamarin Studio, CloudSharper on Linux and Mac OS X, improved bindings to D3.js and Leaflet.js. On performance side, we are experimenting with ASM.js for numeric code. For this summer, there are plans for better single-page application support and a functional version of data binding, to incorporate and improve on ideas in Angular JS and Facebook React.
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on 5/14/2014 6:02 PM
This is a brain dump from a Twitter/IRC discussion with @panesofglass and @bryanedds. So there is this brand-new thing called Facebook React and hype wave about Virtual DOM. I only skimmed this library, but here are some reasons why I remain sceptical: Identity! Typical DOM trees are a lot more than the markup. They are full of pieces of state that are *opaque* - abstract types, and *mutable*. This is especially true if you use 3rd-party libraries, but even with vanilla DOM, input tag, once rendered, int[...]
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on 4/18/2014 11:35 AM
How I started programming: well there was some Basic, Pascal and PHP, but I started getting serious only after encountering and trying to understand Haskell, while doing grad school for an unrelated subject. Haskell challenged me, somehow. It looked like nothing I have seen before. And playing with it had that feeling of figuring out a puzzle. How I found Haskell: going through the list of languages that Kate or some such editor supported highlighting for. Yeah, I know.. In alphabetic order. F# was not o[...]
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on 4/9/2014 4:48 PM
WebSharper development gains support for Mono framework on Linux and Mac OS X, and integration with Xamarin Studio and MonoDevelop. The preview add-in is available for testing at intellifactory/monodevelop.websharper
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