Dave Thomas's blog articles

on 8/22/2011 3:30 PM
SOLID and its relevance to FThere has been an increasing amount of exposure for F# and functional programming lately. If you come from an object-orientated background a change in mindset is required when working with functional programming, there is a lot of misinformation on functional languages and their relationship with object-orientated design. In this post we run quickly through SOLID to see if these object-orientated principles apply to F#, and if so, how.
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on 7/16/2011 4:08 AM
I recently wrote an article for Developer Fusion on the changes in mindset required when moving from C# to F#. The article has proved to be more more popular than I envisaged.  I think a lot of .Net developers are interested in F# but are unsure on the path to take when trying to accomplish this.  For me it was almost a leap of faith, I saw the potential benefits and just jumped right in. I had to overcome numerous obstacles along the way before I become comfortable within the language.  I had question l[...]
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on 7/16/2011 4:08 AM
I recently wrote an article for Developer Fusion on the changes in mindset required when moving from C# to F#. The article has proved to be more more popular than I envisaged.  I think a lot of .Net developers are interested in F# but are unsure on the path to take when trying to accomplish [...]
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on 7/16/2011 4:08 AM
I recently wrote an article for Developer Fusion on the changes in mindset required when moving from C# to F#. The article has proved to be more more popular than I envisaged. I think a lot of .Net developers are interested in F# but are unsure on the path to take when trying to accomplish this. For me it was almost a leap of faith, I saw the potential benefits and just jumped right in.
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on 7/3/2011 9:28 AM
One of the areas that I am very interested in is agents and I have been doing quite a lot of work in this area lately. Agents can be used for a multitude of different purposes ranging from: isolated message passing, object caching, finite state machines, web crawling, and even reactive user interfaces.  One of the [...]
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