Anton Tayanovskyy's blog articles

on 9/27/2011 11:17 PM
We are currently finalizing the 2.4 release of WebSharper. This release is mainly concerned with bug fixes and quality-of-implementation improvements. The exciting part is that we are witnessing about 30%-35% generated code size reduction, and a 40% reduction in compilation time. The optimizer is also more capable, featuring local tail call optimization.
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on 9/26/2011 2:47 PM
How deep do you think you can nest your closures in JavaScript? Yes, we know there is no tail-recursion, probably no inlining either, we know we should not do this, but sometimes we still do. Before today I expected something like 64-128 levels of nesting to work out fine. In fact, Chrome chokes only at level 512 or so, due to stack overflow - fine. EDIT: There is Bug #517781 reported 2009-09-20, and STILL NOT ADDRESSED. Please upvote it if you can. But Firefox.. At level 16! Reference error: x16 is not[...]
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on 7/13/2011 9:14 AM
The WebSharper 2.3 release is out today.
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on 2/10/2011 12:28 AM
An F# documentation generator based on Mono.Cecil can be much faster and more reliable than fshtmldoc. I have almost completed this tool which is coming up soon.
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on 2/8/2011 6:53 PM
F# fits nicely the task of implementing a regex engine. I give it a go with the Thompson NFA algorithm, as explained in a lucid article by Russ Cox.
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