Scala Days 2013 / Spark Streaming: Fast Distributed Stream Processing with a High-Level API

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Spark Streaming is a new extension to the Spark cluster computing framework that enables high-speed, fault-tolerant stream processing through a high-level Scala API. It builds on a new execution model called "discretized streams" to provide exactly-once processing without the heavy cost of transactions required by previous systems (e.g. Storm), allowing it to process significantly higher rates of data per node while still recovering from faults in seconds. It also greatly simplifies stream programming by providing a set of high-level operators (e.g. maps, filters, and windows) in Scala. Perhaps the most exciting feature of Spark Streaming, however, is that it combines seamlessly with Spark's interactive and batch processing features, allowing ad-hoc queries on stream state and programs that combine streaming and historical data. Spark Streaming scales linearly to 100 nodes and has been used to build applications including session-level metrics reporting and online machine learning.


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Tathagata Das (tathagata.das)


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