Progressive .NET Tutorials 2012 / Async and C#5 - An Advance Screening

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With .Net Framework 4.5 (as used with WinRT) we will have a new set of libraries for creating Asynchronous code with resorting to manual configuration of threads and the grunt work associated with callback functions. We’ll provide an overview of how the previous parallel task options within the previous .Net Framework are being enhanced with the Asynchronous libraries which bring the new async and await keywords into C# 5.0 and extends Task to produce a robust, easy route to asynchronous operation. Using the beta release of Visual Studio 2011 we’ll create some examples of asynchronous development that make multitasking on User Interface threads and asynchronous File I/O a breeze, and discuss how this can go beyond the UI and simplify server side programming on scaled out systems.


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Liam Westley (liam.westley)


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