Oskar Gewalli's blog articles

on 12/8/2009 11:22 AM
Had some problems starting the debugger with IE8 installed. The solution is presented in a forum:Disable addons by choosing browse with:“C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe” -extoff
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on 9/3/2009 11:46 PM
Why Assert.Fail? Some might find it negative. Perhaps it is. The way I use it is more like a clean slate:public void FooTest(){ Assert.Fail();}It’s the starting point of many tests. Same as methods:public void Foo(){ throw new NotImplementedException();}It’s a clean canvas for your implementation.
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on 7/18/2009 12:55 PM
How do you debug javascript in IE? Before IE 8 you could use fiddler and the visual studio debugger.There was a plugin for IE so that you could get a developer toolbar with some extended script debugging. As of IE8 a toolbar is built in and can be reached by pressing F12.
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on 7/18/2009 12:55 PM
How do you debug JavaScript in IE? Before IE 8 you could use fiddler and the visual studio debugger. There was a plugin for IE so that you could get a developer toolbar with some extended script debugging. As of IE8 a toolbar is built in and can be reached by pressing F12.
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on 7/18/2009 11:17 AM
How do you debug code in Firefox? The answer is that you use one of two eminent plugins: Firebug Venkman
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