F# Team's blog articles

on 10/10/2012 8:41 AM
October 25 and 26 sees the second edition of FPDays in Cambridge UK. There's lots of good F# content at this event, see http://www.fpdays.net/fpdays2012/programme.php Enjoy! Don, for the Visual F# team
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on 10/9/2012 9:16 AM
SkillsMatter have been running training courses in F# in New York and London and also offer training courses through their well known F# experts such as Tomas Petricek and Phil Trelford. Their next course is the Progressive F# Tutorials 2012 in London, 1-2 November, 2012. Skills Matter is happy to announce the return of the Progressive F# Tutorials to London over the 1st and 2nd November. The Progressive F# Tutorials brings together the leading experts in F# to deliver a range of talks, 4 hour intensive ha[...]
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on 10/3/2012 11:14 AM
As a software engineer, I am frequently searching my projects’ source trees for various code snippets, or searching a collection of log files for a particular message, or some other type of text searching activity.  The traditional Windows utility for such things is findstr, but alas, it leaves much to be desired.  Among other things, the regex support is kind of funky and it’s a pain to parse and process the output in batch script. Windows Powershell makes things easier with the cmdlet Select-String, but[...]
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on 9/24/2012 5:57 PM
In this blog post, I show off a number of F# integration features in Visual Studio 2012, by walking through an end-to-end scenario of authoring and testing an F# library.   The code itself is not the focus; rather, I’ll focus on the IDE tooling as we walk through the scenario.   In the end, we’ll have a small application and library supported by unit tests, but along the way we’ll also learn more about a smattering of IDE features including online project templates and NuGet.  I expect there will be someth[...]
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on 9/24/2012 6:30 AM
As announced by the Visual F# team today at StrangeLoop 2012, the open source code drop for F# 3.0 is now available!   This code drop comes right on the heels of the release of F# 3.0 as part of Visual Studio 2012, and the Free Tools for F# for use with Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web. We have also recently released some great new samples showing the uniquely powerful features of F# 3.0.   The F# 3.0 open source code drop augments the commitment Microsoft make to F# through Visual F# in Visual Studio 20[...]
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