Dave Thomas's blog articles

on 12/10/2014 12:00 AM
on 12/10/2014 12:00 AM
So this is my Christmas special. I’ve been asked on numerous times to write about the F# addin for Xamarin studio which is in the fsharpbinding repo, this repo is shared with the emacs support and also the Sublime Text support. So in this edition we will be taking a deep dive into the terrifying deep depths of the F# compiler and F# addin development…
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on 11/16/2014 1:06 AM
While I was visiting Boston earlier in the year I had the misfortune of kicking myself in the teeth with reflection. It’s something all programmers inevitably go through with reflection API’s as they are inherently untyped, a simple typo can leave you tearing out your hair or punching through your monitor! Yeah there’s things the horizon that will help namely the nameof expression in C#6 which should help in some areas, that’s if your willing to pay the price of using C#, but I wont go into that her[...]
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on 11/16/2014 1:06 AM
on 11/5/2014 4:42 AM
First of all the title, redux because I’m revising post I started on earlier in the year, compression because this has to do with compression, and Flux, which is also part of the redux, one of the first things I remember writing on the net was an article about Flux Compression Generators on H2G2, its still there too!
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