Carsten Koenig's blog articles

on 1/9/2014 5:42 AM
(You can also look at this post using the great my FPComplete tutorial for this) what is this about? Recently I played a bit with threepenny-gui and soon ran into the situation where I wanted to update a behavior (my … Weiterlesen →
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on 10/3/2013 9:55 AM
the task given a list of coins \([c_1,..,c_n]\) and a amount of money \(A\) we shall find a list \([a_1,..,a_n]\) of integers such that \(\sum_i a_i c_i = A\) – but not just any: We want to minimize the number … Weiterlesen →
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on 9/10/2013 5:43 AM
As I want to try some LP (looking into a coursera-course) I tried to setup GLPK on Windows. (BTW: doing this in Linux is trivial: apt-get or you friendly packet-manager). The goal was to get this simple skript: running. Well … Weiterlesen →
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on 8/19/2013 4:14 AM
I’ve seen syntax like: from time to time (for example in Marlows Book) but I never reall knew what this really is, nor where I should look for it. Today I stumpled upon the Bang patterns extension to GHC – … Weiterlesen →
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on 8/14/2013 5:43 AM
I wanted to try out some of Haskells web-frameworks for quite some time now. The problem so far was always the huge pile of things those come bundeled with (template haskell, conduit, comonads, etc.) and I somehow wanted to understand … Weiterlesen →
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